Tag Archives: Web

AWS web hosting review 2021

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GoDaddy Shuts Down Web Hosting for Pro-Life Organization’s Abortion Whistleblowing Site – Reason.com

When Texas’ restrictive new abortion law took effect last week, Texas Right to Life had already launched an anonymous abortion tip line called ProLifeWhistleblower.com, which asked people to submit reports revealing information about people who are facilitating abortions.

This was made possible by the new law’s strange mechanism that allows any person, even one outside the state, to sue any other person who either performs an illegal abortion or knowingly aids and abets an illegal abortion (including paying for it). The law defines illegal abortions as those performed past the point at which fetal heartbeat can be detected, around six weeks into pregnancy. (“Fetal heartbeat” is a somewhat fraught term, notes Reason‘s Elizabeth Nolan Brown, since it…

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Amid Big Tech fight, web hosting company gives conservatives a cancel-proof alternative

As conservatives look to fight back against what they see as an ideologically driven censorship push by Big Tech, one company is looking to make the building blocks of the Internet cancel-proof – giving conservatives more solid footing online.

RightForge is an internet infrastructure company providing server space and web hosting, with what it describes as an ideological commitment to free speech, and it is offering a platform that caters to conservative outlets, campaigns and others who fear they could be canceled by Big Tech.


“We are absolutely ideological,” CEO Martin Avila told Fox News in an interview. “What we saw here…

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Bluehost: Review of Multi-Purpose Web Hosting Service

Bluehost is a web hosting service that helps you advertise and market your business online. The service has a range of hosting plans, each one customized according to specific web hosting requirements and budgets. The service allows you to set the level of assistance that you get with running your website. You also get a performance boost—expect consistent speed and uptimes for your website. If you’re in need of web hosting for your personal or business site, let’s take a look at everything that Bluehost has to offer and what makes it a good option for you.

Web Hosting Platform
Photo by Radek Grzybowski via Unsplash


What Is Bluehost?

Bluehost is a highly popular web-hosting company based in Utah. Ever since it was established in 2003, the company has expanded its services and reach to…

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Texas Abortion Snitching Site Now Shares Web Host With Far-Right Extremists

A Texas anti-abortion group moved its online portal for snitching on abortions under the state’s extreme new law to a web hosting service known for working with far-right extremists and conspiracy theorists.

And it may go too far for even that provider.

Texas Right to Life, the evangelical Christian group behind the site, set up the online reporting operation to enforce the new “vigilante” law, which went into effect last week after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to block it. The law, signed by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott earlier this year, bans all abortions after six weeks — even in cases of rape or incest — before many people even know they’re pregnant.

But the reporting site was bounced last week by hosting provider GoDaddy for violating privacy policies barring users…

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