How to play Palworld multiplayer with friends

How to play Palworld multiplayer with friends

Palworld, the Pokémon-like survival crafting game, has a multiplayer component, but it can be finicky. There’s no PvP in the game, and while you can collaborate with your friends to build bigger bases and take down baddies, some of the progression remains solo.

All that said, playing games is more fun with more people. Below, we explain how the multiplayer and crossplay (or lack thereof) works in Palworld.

How to play multiplayer in Palworld

You can either host or join your friends in a personal save file (up to four players) or you can join a dedicated server (up to 32 players). To join a personal save file, you’ll just need to input the invite code, which the host player can find in their options.

If the invite code doesn’t show up, you the host may need to toggle the…

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