Google’s NotebookLM can discuss your notes with you now. How to access it (and why you should)

Google’s NotebookLM can discuss your notes with you now. How to access it (and why you should)

Girl on a laptop illustration

Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty Images

Last year, Google unveiled NotebookLM, an experimental AI notebook that combines LLMs with user notes to further your understanding of a topic by providing summaries, answering questions, and more. Now, it can even discuss your content with you.  

Also: How to use Google’s AI-powered NotebookLM to organize your research

On Wednesday, Google launched Audio Overview in NotebookLM, a feature allowing users to discuss their notebook content in engaging, AI-driven conversations. The discussions are carried out by two AI-generated hosts who use the context of your content to explain complex topics, make analogies, and keep the dialogue going back and forth with you. 

In a blog post announcing the launch, Google shared an example of the AI host discussing…

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