_______________ WHY BUY A VPS WITH WordPress/Django WEBSITE ?

Why should you buy VPS fully configured with a website (WordPress/Django/WonderCMS) ?

You don’t have to spend time in configuring webserver, firewalls, CMS, plugins etc. All of our VPS come with dedicated CPU, memory, swap and SSD disk, as well as hosted website (along with cache and essential plugins) with either WordPress or Django (Codered/DjangoCMS) or WonderCMS. We take care of firewall, DDOS and SSL certificates for you. This frees up your KVM VPS just for your business.

Why should you buy VPS from us?

We are a New York based company since 2014. We do not overcrowd our nodes. We count on word of mouth from happy customers. We are not “cheap” but we are a great value

Choose any of the following options:

VPS Simple with WonderCMS website: $12.50/mo (after discount)
KVM: 1 Dedicated CPU (Xeon 2.66 GHz)
1 GB RAM, 2 GB Swap, 10 GB SSD Disk
IPv4, IPv6, 1Gbps port
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unmanaged (Customer managed)
Local email only (inbound port 25 blocked)
Allowed Ports in Firewall:
inbound: 80, 443, SSH (not 22)
outbound: All
Fedora Linux 64-bit
Sample Website (WonderCMS)
$12.50/mo (after discount) (Order link)

VPS with WordPress: $25/mo (after discount)
KVM: 1 Dedicated CPU (Xeon 2.66 GHz)
1 GB RAM, 2 GB Swap, 10 GB SSD Disk
IPv4, IPv6, 1Gbps port
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unmanaged (Customer managed)
Local email only (inbound port 25 blocked)
Allowed Ports in Firewall:
inbound: 80, 443, SSH (not 22)
outbound: All
Fedora Linux 64-bit
Sample Website (WordPress)
$25/mo (after discount) (Order link)

VPS with Django(Codered or DjangoCMS): $25/mo (after discount)
KVM: 1 Dedicated CPU (Xeon 2.66 GHz)
1 GB RAM, 2 GB Swap, 10 GB SSD Disk
IPv4, IPv6, 1Gbps port
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unmanaged (Customer managed)
Local email only (inbound port 25 blocked)
Allowed Ports in Firewall:
inbound: 80, 443, SSH (not 22)
outbound: All
Fedora Linux 64-bit
Sample Website (Codered or DjangoCMS)
$25/mo (after discount) (Order link)

Company Info:

Trade Planner LLC
New York, NY
support AT tradeplanner.com

About hosting

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