Alternative Apps To Airbnb – TechRound

Alternative Apps To Airbnb – TechRound

Airbnb has completely revolutionised the way we travel the world and has also opened up new income streams to property owners worldwide.

The app works by allowing residential property owners to rent out their properties to tourists short-term, giving them a more ‘local’ experience and allowing them to take advantage of lower prices than major hotels.

According to Statista, the app is home to over 5 million Airbnb hosts, listing their properties to tourists that want a more ‘local’ homestay experience. In 2023, Business For Apps reported that 448 million bookings were made on Airbnb in 2023, making it a massive business.


The History Of Airbnb


Airbnb was founded back in 2008 by Brian Chesky, Nathan Blecharczyk, and Joe Gebbia.

The idea for Airbnb came about when…

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