
The government doesn’t spend £17 million a year subsidising food in Parliament

A post shared by thousands of people on Twitter wrongly claims that the government spends “£17m a year subsidising food in Parliament”. 

The post, which has also been shared a number of times on Facebook, goes on to say that the £17 million total is “ £30,000 per MP and that’s BEFORE expenses”. 

This is completely inaccurate. As we have written before, catering services on the parliamentary estate are effectively subsidised by the taxpayers at a cost of millions of pounds each year. However, the yearly total is significantly lower than £17 million and catering services are offered to thousands of people working there—not just MPs. 

False or misleading claims about politicians have the potential to affect people’s opinions of individuals, parties or…

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Maximizing Website Performance with Fully Managed VPS Hosting!!

If you’re tired of dealing with slow website performance, and limited control over your hosting environment, it’s time to consider fully managed VPS hosting. This hosting solution offers complete customization options to meet your requirements.

In this blog post, we will talk about how a fully managed VPS hosting can help your business achieve new levels of success for your website.

VPS hosting has many advantages over traditional shared web hosting, such as more security, better performance, and more freedom. With VPS hosting, you can also change your server to fit your needs, install any software you want, and have full control over your server’s resources.

Hosting your business website on a virtual private server (VPS) is an excellent choice if you are searching for a…

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How To Avoid Costs Going Through The Roof When Moving To The Cloud

By Sarthak Rohal, VP – IT Services at In2IT Technologies

The world has changed immensely since on-premise infrastructure was considered the best option for company applications. Today, most companies have begun shifting toward off-premise options, such as cloud and co-location. But how do they determine which is best – should companies make cost a primary deciding factor when choosing to migrate? Is it fair to make such a cost comparison between on-premise and cloud systems? Before any company switches to cloud computing technology, they need to understand the pros and cons of both options for specific workloads. This is because there is no clear winner between on-premise vs cloud computing solutions, even from a cost perspective.

All costs considered

With on-premise, the company uses…

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OVHcloud launches data center in Mumbai

In a bid to further expand its presence in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, the French cloud computing company OVHcloud announced the launch of its first data center in Mumbai, India on March 21, 2023. As a part of its Asia Pacific expansion plans, the company will also see the installation of two more data centers in Australia and Singapore by 2024.

OVHcloud is one of the leaders in providing sustainable cloud solutions, leveraging state-of-art technology such as circulatory and water cooling at scale to help company’s infrastructure to adapt to tropical climate of the country. The company will also be manufacturing its own servers that are integrated with industrial models that allow a sustainable cloud with a Carbon Usage Effectiveness of 0.2.

Though the exact location of the data…

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