Branch 17 Fiddlers hosting dance in Royston

Branch 17 Fiddlers hosting dance in Royston

Branch 17 Fiddlers will be hosting a dance on June 23 at the Fallen Alders Community Hall. Doors will be open at 1:30 p.m. and the price of admission is $10 at the door. This will be the last dance until the branch begins again in September.

Branch 17 Fiddlers will be hosting a dance on June 23 at the Fallen Alders Community Hall.

Doors will be open at 1:30 p.m. and the price of admission is $10 at the door. This will be the last dance until the branch begins again in September.

Everyone is welcome, and a light lunch will be served, along with door prizes and a 50-50 draw.


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