Dedicated Hosting News

Why Cheap Linux Dedicated Hosting is Best for Business

Hosting is one of the important, or we can say that the base platform for the business person and individuals who host their website. Without hosting, it is not possible to make your website accessible among the people. In simple words, you can’t explore your products and services offline without hosting your site on a secure and robust web hosting.  

 Here in this article, we will describe how the cheap Linux Dedicated Server is best for your business and how you can easily explore your business with Best Linux Hosting Provider at an extensive network with fewer efforts just using highly reliable services. But before we discuss further, let’s take a quick look at its basic introduction. 

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Linux Dedicated Server
Linux Dedicated Server

Dedicated Server is a hosting platform used to…

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Bare metal vs dedicated servers: which is the better web hosting option?

If you’re trying to get the best performance out of your dedicated server hosting, you will have to choose between traditional dedicated servers and modern bare metal options. But what’s the best way to choose, and what should you base your choice on? In this article, we’ve aimed to clarify the difference between the two options, touching on a few common industry myths at the same time.  

Technically speaking, there’s a lot of similarities between bare metal and dedicated servers. For example, they are both physical machines, rather than virtualized servers composed of a collection of resources. 

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Reasons Why Your Business Might Need a Dedicated Server

In recent times, statistics emerged that there were more men named John running enormous organizations in the US than women. In fact, the US is about average in regard to the level of women in board positions which is about 19% for a country known to be leading world affairs. Japan, on the other hand, does not really do well when it comes to women holding seats on the board of big organizations. Data shows that in Japan women only hold about 3% in board seats. However, Norway has probably the best record with women holding 35.5% of the seats on Norwegian stock index organizations.

Norway’s prosperity at having such a moderately high level of women on sheets is to a great extent an aftereffect of the nation’s presentation of quotas. There has been a lot of discussion about whether…

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Does cloud hosting still make sense?

The terms “cloud hosting” and “cloud computing” are often used interchangeably, but they are not really the same thing — though in most cases, both approaches are modeled on a client/server relationship. The question remains whether hosted applications still remain a viable solution in today’s cloud computing environment, or whether it is time to move to an entirely cloud-based environment for your and your clients’ application needs.

Cloud-based solutions have become immensely popular. An application such as QuickBooks Online has been written specifically to operate entirely online on a network of servers dedicated to processing multiple instances of the application for different users. The specific server used for a client at any one time is determined by load balancing…

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Spamhaus Botnet Threat Update: Q2-2020

The pandemic certainly didn’t put the brakes on botnet operators in Q2 2020. Unfortunately, they were back in full swing, with a 77% surge in the number of botnet Command & Controllers (C&Cs) tracked and listed by the research team.

This increased activity is highlighted across most of our Top 20 lists, with extensive changes, including numerous new entries and departures…it’s never a dull moment in the botnet ecosphere.

Welcome to the Spamhaus Botnet Threat Update Q2 2020.

Highlighting networks 
with the most active 
botnet C&Cs

Historically, our Quarterly Botnet Threat Updates have focused on newly observed botnet Command and Controllers (C&Cs). In doing so, we can clearly illustrate the quality of a network’s customer vetting process and security mechanisms;…

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