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Best cheap web hosting deals of 2020

When choosing the best cheap web hosting for your company, you must balance the desire to save money with the need to fulfill your business requirements. Many ultra-cheap web hosts exist, but choosing the absolute cheapest plans tends to be a false economy because they usually have limited disk space, poor performance, and lack of reliability. Instead, you should choose an inexpensive web host that performs well and has all the features that your business needs.

Keeping all that in mind, we put together a list of the top 10 cheap web hosting companies that we tested. They all offer above-average uptime, good customer service, useful features, and fair pricing. We chose providers that allow you to expand your web hosting as your business grows. Do note that most cheap web hosts will…

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Best free web hosting of 2020

When you’re starting up a business, money is always tight. Any way that you can defer costs until you have a solid turnover should be considered, and that’s why many small business owners look for free web hosting for their first website.

But good free web hosting can be challenging to find. We advise that even if you’re on a strict budget, you should choose a low-cost web hosting service instead because free web hosts usually have to cut corners to stay afloat. You’ll always come up against the tight limitations that free web hosting has, such as limited disk space, slow speeds, or lack of reliability. Many free web hosts are designed to compel you to upgrade to one of its paid plans once you’ve become annoyed at the constraints of the free version. 

That being said, we…

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tsoHost review | ITProPortal

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