Web Shared Hosting News

Why a web hosting partner could save you a headache

When you’re getting a website off the ground, lots of factors come into consideration — from the design and functionality, to the content that will populate the site. Hosting is one area that shouldn’t be forgotten about. Partnering with another company to support your web capabilities can seem like a daunting task. But if you ask the right questions up front and do your research properly, you’ll avoid getting stuck with a service that doesn’t meet your needs. Before signing on the dotted line for any website hosting plan, make sure you take time to consider the following things. Hosting — the first choice, and the only choice? It’s important to think about what your… Source link

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This popular web hosting service left 800 million records published online for 12 hours

DreamHost has been banished by security researchers who have discovered that approximately 814 million customer records have been leaked under the supervision of a web hosting company. A password-unprotected database containing records was discovered by security researcher and co-founder of Security Discovery, Jeremiah Fowler, and a research team at Website Planet. Fowler ReportThe leaked data includes admin and user information for DreamHost’s DreamPress WordPress hosting account, including WordPress login location URL, first and last name, email address, username, role, host IP address, and timestamp. I did. TechRadar Pro When I asked Dreamhost for comment, 21 websites were said to have been affected, and only security researchers who worked with web hosting companies to resolve… Source link

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This popular web hosting service left 800m records exposed online

DreamHost has been outed by a security researcher who discovered around 814 million customer records had been leaked under the web hosting firm’s watch. A database without password protection was found by Jeremiah Fowler, co-founder of Security Discovery, and the Website Planet research team. In a report, Fowler claimed that the leaked data included admin and user information for DreamHost’s DreamPress WordPress hosting accounts, such as login location, first and last names, email addresses, usernames, roles, host IP addresses and timestamps. TechRadar Pro reached out to Dreamhost for a comment and was told that 21 websites were affected, and the only party outside of DreamHost to see this data was a security researcher who worked with the web hosting firm to resolve the issue. DreamHost… Source link

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This popular web hosting service left 800m records exposed online for 12 hours

DreamHost has been outed by a security researcher who discovered around 814 million customer records had been leaked under the web hosting firm’s watch. A database without password protection that contained the records was found by Security Researcher and co-founder of Security Discovery Jeremiah Fowler and the Website Planet research team. Fowler claimed, in a report, that the data that was leaked included admin and user information for DreamHost’s DreamPress WordPress hosting accounts including WordPress login location URL, first and last names, email addresses, usernames, roles, host IP addresses and timestamps.   TechRadar Pro reached out to Dreamhost for a comment and was told that 21 websites were affected, and the only party outside of DreamHost to see this data was a security… Source link

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MilesWeb’s story behind becoming a leading Indian web host

The web hosting industry resembles a gladiator battleground. Of all the countries, India has a highly competitive market where even the best have experienced failure. Indian users have always preferred international web hosts to Indian providers. Yet, MilesWeb- the only web hosting company that has Indian origin not only managed to survive but thrive in the Indian market. MilesWeb is a web hosting company located in Nashik, Maharashtra that caters to a broad range of businesses around the world. Because of its wide range of hosting services, it has become one of the fastest-growing hosting companies. The story behind the success of this Indian web host MilesWeb inspires. It narrates how they dared to face the odds and overcame them before basking in the spotlight. We recently spoke to… Source link

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