Apple, Amazon suspend Parler social network from App Store and web hosting service

Apple Inc and Inc have suspended Parler from their respective App Store and web hosting service, saying the social networking service that many right-leaning social media users have flocked to has not taken adequate measures to prevent the spread of posts inciting violence.

The action by Apple and Amazon follows a similar move by Alphabet Inc’s Google on Friday. Parler is favored by many supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump, who was permanently suspended from Twitter on Friday, and it is seen as a haven for people expelled from Twitter. “We have suspended Parler from the App Store until they resolve these issues,” Apple said in a statement Saturday.

Apple had given Parler 24 hours to submit a detailed moderation plan, pointing to participants’ using the service to…

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Amazon Kicks Parler Off Their Web Hosting Service

John Schaffer Iced Earth

Photo by ROBERTO SCHMIDT/AFP via Getty Images.

In response to Parler’s role in being used to plan the violent insurrection at the Capitol last Wednesday, Amazon has kicked the social media company off its web hosting services.

Amazon’s decision follows punitive actions by other tech companies against Parler, including Apple and Google, both of which removed Parler from their application stores for failing to adequately address the “proliferation of threats” that have spread across the platform like wildfire.

In the weeks leading to the January 6 joint session of Congress to count the Electoral College votes certifying President-elect Joe Biden’s win, Parler users shared many “parleys” (Parler’s term for posts, similar to Twitter’s tweets) that urged supporters…

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In Major Blow, Amazon’s Web-Hosting Service Booting Right-Wing Parler Off The Internet

In a dunning crackdown on Parler, Amazon is jettisoning the right-wing social network from its web-hosting service, Buzzfeed News reported late Saturday.

That means Parler, a favorite of extremist Donald Trump supporters, will be off the internet as of midnight Sunday unless — or until — it can find another host.

Amazon took the action because of Parler’s lack of restrictions over users’ calls for violence, which violate the company’s terms of service, in the wake of the lethal attack on the Capitol Wednesday that left five people dead, including a police officer.

Parler has most recently been swamped with messages encouraging “Patriots” to march on Washington D.C. with weapons on Jan. 19, Buzzfeed reported.

“We’ve seen a steady increase in this violent content on…

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Amazon com : Is Booting Parler Off Of Its Web Hosting Service – BuzzFeed News

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Amazon Booting Parler Off Its Web Hosting Service

Amazon is removing the Parler social media service from its web servicers, BuzzFeed News reported Saturday night.

If Parler cannot find another hosting service once the ban takes effect Sunday, Parler will go offline, Buzzfeed reported.

The news comes after Apple and Google Play removed the app from their stores.

Parler has been used increasingly by conservatives amid what they see as increasing censorship by Twitter. Twitter permanently banned President Donald Trump on Friday for tweets it said violated its rules of inciting violence.

Concervatives have said the ban is a stifling of free speech.

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