[HostingInside] Taiwan, Singapore, US, UK & Germany VPS

Plan Name Virtualization CPU(Fair Share) MEM Hard Drive Bandwidth Traffic/month Location IPv4 IPv6 Price Coupon Code
ktw512 KVM 1 Core 512MB 20GB 100Mbps 375GB TPIX, Taipei, Taiwan 1 5 $18.11 Order
ktw1024 KVM 2 Core 1GB 40GB 100Mbps 750GB TPIX, Taipei, Taiwan 1 5 $35.72 Order
ktw1536 KVM 2 Core 1.5GB 60GB 100Mbps 1125GB TPIX, Taipei, Taiwan 1 5 $53.34 Order
ktw2048 KVM 3 Core 2GB 80GB 100Mbps 1500GB TPIX, Taipei, Taiwan 1 5 $70.95 Order
ktw3072 KVM 3 Core 3GB 120GB 1gbps 2250GB TPIX, Taipei, Taiwan 1 5 $106.18 Order
ko256 KVM 1 Core 256MB 10GB 250Mbps 250GB Singapore 1 5 $4.8 Order
ko512 KVM 1 Core 512MB 20GB 250Mbps 500GB Singapore 1 5 $8.6 Order
ko1024 KVM 2 Core 1GB 40GB 250Mbps 1000GB Singapore 1 5 $16 Order
ko1536 KVM 2 Core 1.5GB 60GB 250Mbps 1500GB Singapore 1 5 $23.1 Order
ko2048 KVM 3 Core 2GB 80GB 250Mbps 2000GB Singapore 1 5 $30.5 Order
ko256 KVM 1 Core 256MB 10GB 1gbps 250GB Maidenhead, UK 1 5 $3.36 30OFF Order
ko512 KVM 1 Core 512MB 20GB 1gbps 500GB Maidenhead, UK 1 5 $6.02 30OFF Order
ko1024 KVM 2 Core 1GB 40GB 1gbps 1000GB Maidenhead, UK 1 5 $11.2 30OFF Order
ko1536 KVM 2 Core 1.5GB 60GB 1gbps 1500GB Maidenhead, UK 1 5 $16.17 30OFF Order
ko2048 KVM 3 Core 2GB 80GB 1gbps 2000GB Maidenhead, UK 1 5 $21.35 30OFF Order
xssd256 XEN-PV 1 Core 256MB 5GB SSD 1gbps 250GB Los Angeles, US 1 5 $3.36 30OFF Order
xssd512 XEN-PV 1 Core 512MB 10GB SSD 1gbps 500GB Los Angeles, US 1 5 $6.02 30OFF Order
xssd1024 XEN-PV 2 Core 1GB 20GB SSD 1gbps 1000GB Los Angeles, US 1 5 $11.2 30OFF Order
xssd1536 XEN-PV 2 Core 1.5GB 30GB SSD 1gbps 1500GB Los Angeles, US 1 5 $16.17 30OFF Order
xssd2048 XEN-PV 3 Core 2GB 40GB SSD 1gbps 2000GB Los Angeles, US 1 5 $21.35 30OFF Order
xssd4096 XEN-PV 4 Core 4GB 80GB SSD 1gbps 4000GB Los Angeles, US 1 5 $43.26 30OFF Order
xssd6144 XEN-PV 5 Core 6GB 120GB SSD 1gbps 7500GB Los Angeles, US 1 5 $64.54 30OFF Order
xssd8192 XEN-PV 6 Core 8GB 160GB SSD 1gbps 10000GB Los Angeles, US 1 5 $85.82 30OFF Order
hvmssd512 XEN-HVM 1 Core 512MB 10GB SSD 1gbps 500GB Los Angeles, US 1 5 $7.224 30OFF Order
hvmssd1024 XEN-HVM 2 Core 1GB 20GB SSD 1gbps 1000GB Los Angeles, US 1 5 $13.44 30OFF Order
hvmssd1536 XEN-HVM 2 Core 1.5GB 30GB SSD 1gbps 1500GB Los Angeles, US 1 5 $19.404 30OFF Order
hvmssd2048 XEN-HVM 3 Core 2GB 40GB SSD 1gbps 2000GB Los Angeles, US 1 5 $25.62 30OFF Order
hvmssd4096 XEN-HVM 4 Core 4GB 80GB SSD 1gbps 4000GB Los Angeles, US 1 5 $51.912 30OFF Order
hvmssd6144 XEN-HVM 5 Core 6GB 120GB SSD 1gbps 7500GB Los Angeles, US 1 5 $77.448 30OFF Order
hvmssd8192 XEN-HVM 6 Core 8GB 160GB SSD 1gbps 10000GB Los Angeles, US 1 5 $102.984 30OFF Order
x256v2 XEN-PV 1 Core 256MB 10GB 100Mbps 250GB Düsseldorf, Germany 1 5 $3.36 30OFF Order
x512v2 XEN-PV 1 Core 512MB 20GB 100Mbps 500GB Düsseldorf, Germany 1 5 $6.02 30OFF Order
x1024v2 XEN-PV 2 Core 1GB 40GB 100Mbps 1000GB Düsseldorf, Germany 1 5 $11.2 30OFF Order
x1536v2 XEN-PV 2 Core 1.5GB 60GB 100Mbps 1500GB Düsseldorf, Germany 1 5 $16.17 30OFF Order
x2048v2 XEN-PV 3 Core 2GB 80GG 100Mbps 2000GB Düsseldorf, Germany 1 5 $21.35 30OFF Order
hvm512v2 XEN-HVM 1 Core 512MB 20GB 100Mbps 500GB Düsseldorf, Germany 1 5 $7.224 30OFF Order
hvm1024v2 XEN-HVM 2 Core 1GB 40GB 100Mbps 1000GB Düsseldorf, Germany 1 5 $13.44 30OFF Order
hvm1536v2 XEN-HVM 2 Core 1.5GB 60GB 100Mbps 1500GB Düsseldorf, Germany 1 5 $19.404 30OFF Order
hvm2048v2 XEN-HVM 3 Core 2GB 80GG 100Mbps 2000GB Düsseldorf, Germany 1 5 $25.62 30OFF Order

Payment Method: Credit Card & PayPal

Refund policies: 3 days money back guarantee and partial refund after 3 days.

KVM Taiwan Server location: Taipei, Taiwan(Test IP:

KVM Singapore Server location: Singapore(Test IP:

XEN US Server location: Los Angeles, US(Test IP:

KVM UK Server location: London, UK(Test IP:

XEN Germany Server location: Dusseldorf, Germany(Test IP:

QQ Contact: 2899634868

MechanicWeb :: 30% OFF Lifetime! Ultra Fast Managed VPS | KVM VPS | Full SSD Local Storage

Experience worry free hosting with MechanicWeb. We are a privately owned company operating since 2008 with a proven track record of providing outstanding customer service. Our cPanel certified system administrators will handle server administration, optimization, security, and monitor them 24/7 to render fully managed service that you can depend on. Customer support is the heart of our hosting experience. We will help you every step of the way.

Exclusive Promotion for WebHostingTalk

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[ Hardware Based KVM Virtualization ]

KVM based VPS provides better performance, consistency, and customization compared to OpenVZ and Xen-PV. OpenVZ and Xen-PV are container based virtualization with native overselling of storage and memory. KVM based VPS does not allow overselling storage natively. You will always get guaranteed resources, consistent performance, and reliability on our KVM based managed VPS.

[ Main Features ]

  • Fully Managed Service
  • [ Full SSD Local Storage ]
  • Premium Intel Xeon Processor
  • Hardware Based KVM Virtualization
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • 24/7 Technical Support
  • Free Migration/Transfer
  • Free DirectAdmin (or cPanel)
  • Free DDoS Protection
  • Full Root Access
  • More Features: mechanicweb.com/vps-hosting.php

[ Addons ]

  • cPanel: $13.00
  • LiteSpeed: $10.00
  • CloudLinux: $12.95
  • KernelCare: $2.95
  • Softaculous: $1.00
  • MailChannels 20K: $25
  • Additional IPv4: $3.00
  • More Addons: mechanicweb.com/vps-hosting.php

[ Data Centers ]

Package Name





Discounted Monthly Price

(30% Off)






2 GB

4 GB

6 GB

8 GB

vCPU Cores

2 Core

2 Core

4 Cores 3.5GHz+

4 Cores 3.5GHz+




120 GB NVMe

160 GB NVMe


1000 GB

2000 GB

3000 GB

4000 GB

IP Address





DDoS Protection





DirectAdmin (Unlimited)





cPanel (5 Accounts)





OpenLiteSpeed + LSCache





If you need a smaller or larger plan or have any questions, please get in touch with us through our support center
Some Verified Reviews as Posted on WebHostingTalk

Quote Originally Posted by novelhost

I’ve been with them for a couple of years and the service is very efficient, good uptime and quick response times. (Link)

Quote Originally Posted by musicmanbob

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Sharmin and Shoss have been particularly on the ball with very quick responses to all of my questions and need for assistance. And, I’ve got to say, when either Sharmin or Shoss respond, I am not made to feel dumb if you know what I mean. So far I feel very comfortable. (Link)

Quote Originally Posted by roymx

If you seek attention to any problem they will always strive to solve it, I say it from experience.
Another thing, a benchmark test on several servers and obtained the highest score among several servers and always remained stable. (Link)

Quote Originally Posted by boozeCoder

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Support has been very responsive and actually useful. (Link)

Quote Originally Posted by xUhhOhh

It helped me change my initial choice of BlueHost to MechanicWeb. So far customer service has been excellent (Link)
Nothing seemed hidden there like random shut offs for thresholds hit. (Link)

Quote Originally Posted by Atgard

The MechanicWeb team had me up and running with all my files & settings transferred over the same day, in a matter of hours. (Link)

Quote Originally Posted by foxmen

I can recommend them, (I will soon write a review). (Link)

Quote Originally Posted by Hardy1

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Quote Originally Posted by SenseiSteve

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Quote Originally Posted by texasnightowl

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Quote Originally Posted by PatrickN

I still highly recommend …MechanicWeb. I am so confident. (Link)

Quote Originally Posted by paivadaniel

Hey MechanicWeb, why I dont have problems with your hosting? …I never had to open a support ticket about your services. (Link)

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[ Frequently Asked Questions ]

Q: Which package is the best for me?
A: The Smart package is suitable for most people. You can upgrade when you need more. If you have multiple websites, you may choose the larger packages.

Q: How long does it take to set up my hosting account?
A: It will be set up immediately after payment is complete. If you do not receive your hosting account information within 5 minutes after payment, please open a support ticket.

Q: If I want to upgrade later, is it easy? Will it involve any downtime? Will the discounts carry forward?
A: You will get the same discount when you renew or upgrade your package. You can upgrade your package from your Client Area. It is seamless and involves no downtime or interruption.

Q: Which location is the best for me?
A: For most websites, you can go with the default location during the ordering process. If you have any specific requirements, for example, if your website is a mission-critical application, please submit a sales ticket for assistance.

Q: Am I allowed to use all the resources in my package?
A: Yes, you are allowed to use all the resources in your package as long as your form of usage complies with our Terms of Service.

Q: Are there any hidden fees?
A: There are no hidden fees. All prices are listed as is on the website, and during checkout.

Q: What payment methods do you accept?
A: We accept PayPal, Credit and Debit Cards. As a security measure, we do not store credit card numbers. If you want to use a different payment method, please open a ticket for assistance.

Q: How long have you been in business?
A: We are providing hosting services since 2008.

More Questions? Get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to talk to you.

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If you need web hosting for your personal use, small business or enterprise level business, US EU Host has suitable hosting plans and for you. We strive to deliver high quality web hosting service to our users, based on high performance hardware and premium network from a USA premium data center.

All our offers come with 30 day money back guarantee for all first time users. If you just recently signed up and not happy with us, please just open a support ticket to let us know. There is no risk in trying our service.


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Thank you for reading our ads. If you have any questions do not hesitate to get in touch with us

COVID-19 Update: Global Web Hosting Providers Market is Expected to Grow at a Healthy CAGR with Top players: Namecheap, InMotion Hosting, Hostwinds, Liquid Web, OVH, etc.

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