How to Create a Website for Beginners

Creating a website may seem like a daunting task for beginners, but in today’s digital age, it has become an essential skill for individuals and businesses alike. Whether you want to showcase your portfolio, share your passion, start an online business, or establish your brand, having a website can provide numerous opportunities and benefits. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of creating a website for beginners, ensuring that you can successfully build your online presence.

In this digital era, the internet has become the go-to place for information, products, and services. As a result, having a website has evolved from a luxury to a necessity. Creating a website allows you to reach a global audience, express your creativity, and achieve your goals,…

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Clay Pot Cooking Revolution: Discover the Art of Healthy Living with Miriam’s Earthen Cookware

As the world grapples with a return to natural, sustainable living, Miriam’s Earthen Cookware is leading the way in providing people with the healthiest cookware and bakeware.

(Isstories Editorial):- Boston, Massachusetts Jul 28, 2023 ( – Crafted from 100% pure primary clay sourced from deep within the earth’s surface, Miriam’s products encapsulate the timeless charm of traditional clay pot cooking while incorporating modern-day needs. By replacing synthetic materials and harmful chemical glazes with a nutrient-rich and eco-friendly alternative, Miriam’s has successfully reinvented the wheel in the cookware industry.

More on Isstories:

At Miriam’s Earthen Cookware, every piece of cookware embodies the principles of purity, health, and sustainability. Each pot…

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How To Unblock YouTube Easily [7 Different Ways] – Forbes Advisor INDIA

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It is frustrating to get on the world’s most popular video-sharing platform only to encounter the “video unavailable” or “this video is not available in your country” error. This usually indicates that your YouTube may be blocked either by network filters, geo-restrictions or anything that prevents access. To help, we’ll show you how to unblock YouTube and access all of your favorite videos seven different ways.

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DeFli Networks – Providing Infrastructure to the Unmanned Aviation Industry


Published July 28, 2023

DeFli Networks (a subsidiary of UAV SYS INTERNATIONAL) are delighted to announce that their decentralized infrastructure network for the unmanned aviation (UA) industry is now fully operational.

DeFli Networks offer deployers and operators access to an infrastructure network that includes:

A purpose built, global, aviation-grade receiver network for ADS-B, ADS-L and Mode-S transmissions. This enables UA operators compliance with Identification requirements whilst also broadcasting data to other aircraft including commercial and military.

In addition, the data obtained from the received transmissions is used to build the “air surveillance” element of the DeFli UTM. The DeFli UTM is the traffic management arm of DeFli and enables operators to plan…

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Meet Claude 2, Touted As The ‘Ethical’ Rival To ChatGPT – Forbes Advisor INDIA

A ChatGPT rival that claims to be able to police itself according to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights has launched in the UK and U.S.

In India, Claude 2 is being beta tested and users can access the AI assistant using a VPN. Here’s how Claude 2 works and the VPNs you can use to access Claude 2.

How Claude 2 Works

Claude 2, from artificial intelligence firm Anthropic, can parse and summarize large texts of up to 75,000 words. 

In a test here at Forbes Advisor, we used it to summarize a 58-page AXA policy wording document in five bullet points. It was able to point out what was and wasn’t covered by the policy, including the policyholder’s obligations under the contract.

Anthropic calls Claude 2 “constitutional AI”. The generative…

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