Plymouth is hosting a festival dedicated to seagulls

Plymouth is hosting a festival dedicated to seagulls

Britain’s most notorious avian troublemakers are being celebrated in the nation’s inaugural festival dedicated to seagulls. Gullfest, taking place in Plymouth, will feature a two-hour parade where enthusiasts donning costumes of the feathered creatures will perform a song crafted in their honour.

The event is centred around the 37 Looe Street gallery and will see approximately 40 performers and artists engaging in music, spoken word, poetry, painting, and film events to pay homage to gulls as “majestic” companions to humans, reports the Daily Star.

Organiser Mo Bottomley said: “Gullfest is an arts festival celebrating our great Plymouth co-habitant, the majestic seagull. Whether the svelte lesser black-backed, its larger cousin, the ubiquitous herring gull, the sweet little black-headed…

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