Tag Archives: account

What is an FTP account?

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) servers are often used to host websites. You’ll likely need to transfer files from your computer to the server when you create a website. This is where FTP comes in handy.

Web developers often use FTP accounts to upload and download files from their web hosting accounts. 

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4 ways to clean your Instagram account – Web Hosting | Cloud Computing | Datacenter

Instagram can account for most of your audio-visual marketing. As the years go by, your account will grow in followers, content, and photos. However, it may reach a point where the content and pictures in your account may not reflect your current brand outlook. This may send wrong and outdated information to potential clients.

If you have an account that needs visitors to scroll through a lot of content before getting to the right one, you’ll need to do a little bit of clean-up. Of course, one of the steps is to unfollow everyone on Instagram and start afresh by following accounts relevant to your brand.

The other step is to sort through the noise and clean out what doesn’t belong and what’s outdated. If you’ve had the account active for several years, this method may take time…

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Does Your Website Have Malware? Here’s How to Scan Your WHM/cPanel Account

Do you own and host a website? While hosting your website has many advantages—you get to own the server, host whatever you want, don’t get ripped off by pricing on hosting services, and never have to worry about hosting on a shared platform—it does come with some repercussions.

Malware and viruses are the biggest risks factors for websites and can infect servers and the web hosting control platform, cPanel, easily and go under the radar. Self-hosting makes this especially risky.

So, how can you check if your website has malware and viruses? How does malware infiltrate cPanel in the first place? And how can you scan your Web Host Manager (WHM) and cPanel account?

Is Your Website Infected With Malware?

Despite all the website protection tools available on the market,…

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