Tag Archives: Addiction

Why Startups Should Fight The Social Media Addiction

Startups play a vital role across all industries, fuelling the global landscape with fresh innovation and creativity. Yet, amidst rising concerns like mental health challenges and digital dependencies, there’s an argument to be made that startups dedicated to addressing these pressing issues are more important now than ever.

Of course, there has already been a lot of activity in this space. Where traditional avenues for health and wellness guidance were once limited to visiting a doctor or enjoying a refreshing outdoor stroll, there’s now a vast expanse of companies advising on how people can nurture their well-being.

In this regard, innovating ways to combat mobile phone addiction is crucial, given its association with numerous mental health and wellness dilemmas.


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How Wolf Bishop Overcame Prison and Addiction to Launch a Career – WP Tavern

In 2005, Timothy “Wolf” Bishop was serving time in an Iowa prison for charges related to a gambling addiction.

“When I was 25, I made a bet that I could not cover,” Bishop said. “I had gambled with a local thug on a local semi-pro baseball game between the Burlington Bees and the Clinton Lumberkings. I bet on the Bees, who lost the game without even scoring.

“I did not have the $10,000 I had bet. When I told the man I owed this, he was less than happy. He put a gun to my head and told me that if I did not have his cash in one week, he would put a bullet in my brain. I had the money three days later.”

It was the crimes Bishop committed to cover that debt that got him sent to prison. Now an experienced professional, entrepreneur, and educator, who has spoken at…

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Harford County’s Rage Against Addiction hosting Memory Walk/Recovery Run – Baltimore Sun

Rage Against Addiction, a Harford County-based nonprofit, will hold its in-person Memory Walk/Recovery Run on April 9 and its virtual challenge throughout April.

The organization is dedicated to providing support to anyone affected by the disease of addiction, including family members, according to its website.

After taking a hiatus last year, the in-person event returns and will be held at Cedar Lane Regional Park in Bel Air.

“We are very excited to offer the in-person Rage Against Addiction Memory Walk/Recovery Run again this year,” the organization said on its website. “We will have various resources and speakers come out to share their knowledge and support services.”

The 5K run will be held at 9 a.m. on April 9; the memory walk will start shortly after the 5K ends.


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