Tag Archives: Advice

Winter Weather Preparedness Week: National Weather Service giving Massachusetts a week of advice to prepare for colder months

As winter approaches, the National Weather Service is looking to prepare Massachusetts residents for potentially dangerous winter weather events or situations, hosting a Winter Weather Preparedness Week, with each day dedicated to a lesson.

“For those who live in New England, winter weather is a part of life from November through March. Snow, sleet, freezing rain, cold temperatures and cold wind chill temperatures will be common occurrences soon,” the agency wrote. “While most of the time these weather elements are only a nuisance to our daily routines, at times they can produce hazardous or life-threatening situations for those who are not prepared.”

Day one, Monday, was dedicated to teaching people the difference between outlooks, watches, warnings and advisories, which the…

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Data Privacy Day: 10 experts give advice for protecting your business

Data Privacy Day is dedicated to achieving sound privacy practices to protect businesses and customers. Learn insights from 10 experts in the field to help safeguard your company.

Data privacy concept

Image: iStock/Leestat

While companies should focus on data privacy all the time, Data Privacy Day on Jan. 28 is a good opportunity to reassess your business privacy strategies and learn some new methods to safeguard data.

SEE: Identity theft protection policy (TechRepublic Premium)

The sudden shift to remote work in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has brought inherent security…

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A Plant-Based Chef’s Advice for Hosting a Vegan Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is that time of year when the aroma of pumpkin spice is in the air and the table overflows with delicacies –– mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, salads, you name it! It’s a celebration where vegetarians, vegans, and other eaters gather together for the ultimate feast in gratitude. It’s better for you and the environment to make Turkey Day a turkey-free holiday, according to PETA who has a list of 10 reasons to ditch eating the bird. “Plantsgiving” will still be packed full of fall flavor and you won’t miss out on all the delicious vegan and vegetarian recipes.

We spoke to Chef Derek Sarno, the chef and founder of Wicked Foods, who also serves as Executive Chef and Director of Plant-Based Innovation for Tesco PLC, where he is leading the company’s…

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