Tag Archives: Americans

Christian Women’s Connection hosting ‘A Conversation on Native Americans’ Sept. 17 – Sterling Journal-Advocate

Christian Women’s Connection will host a buffet luncheon and evening dessert bar featuring “A Conversation on Native Americans,” on Tuesday, Sept. 17, at Sterling Berean Church, 12527 County Road 37.

Thomas WhiteEagle enjoys bringing the past to life as a model and actor who wears period-correct Native American clothing in his appearances. Thomas will be sharing artifacts from the 1800s, as well as the history and culture of the plains tribes including Cheyenne, Lakota and Navajo. He has appeared in many movies and television series as the face of the Native American story!

Also, how do you survive abuse? What does being “real” look like? Inspiring speaker Rebecca White will share from the heart how to thrive, in spite of abuse, plus how to be authentic in the journey through…

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Americans consume junk food for their extra meal each day

On average, American adults eat four times a day, one of which is composed solely of junk food.

The Ohio State University researchers found that consumers nationwide consume up to 500 calories a day from sugary foods that aren’t healthy.

This substantial amount accounts for around 25% of their daily caloric intake and approximately 33% of their daily added sugar intake.

“Until you really look at it, the impact’s magnitude is not fully apparent. Without really being a meal, snacks add a meal’s worth of nutrients to our diets, according to Christopher Taylor, the senior study author and medical dietetics professor at the university’s School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences.

“You already know what’s going to be for dinner: a protein and one or two…

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