Tag Archives: Aneurysms

This Software Platform Uses AI To Manage And Treat Aneurysms

The intricate procedure of treating brain aneurysms could see a transformation, thanks to an innovative software platform named PreSize. Developed by Oxford Heartbeat, the platform embraces the power of artificial intelligence to bring remarkable advancements in stent placement— a critical step in managing aneurysms.

What Are Aneurysms and Stent PlacementsF?

An aneurysm presents itself as a weak or thin spot on a blood vessel wall in the brain that fills with blood, posing a serious threat should it burst. In treating this, a stent, a mesh tube, springs open to divert blood flow, thereby preventing extra pressure that could cause the aneurysm to rupture.

Dr Katerina Spranger, founder of Oxford Heartbeat, shared her insights, stating, “there’s currently a lot of…

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