Tag Archives: AnonymousFox

What Is the AnonymousFox Hack and How Does It Infect Websites?

As a website owner, getting your site hacked can be your worst nightmare. While a large number of sites are considered safe because they rely on WordPress, that doesn’t mean they’re not prone to attack by hackers. In fact, many are being targeted by a widespread WordPress vulnerability known as the AnonymousFox, which targets the system files by exploiting vulnerable plugins to gain unauthorized access.

So, what is this incognito hack, and how does it attack? What type of damage can it inflict on your website and on your visitors?

What Is the AnonymousFox?

True to its name, AnonymousFox has been successful in concealing its identity as no one is sure about which hacking group owns or operates it.

What we do know is that this vulnerability is usually found sites running…

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