Tag Archives: API

How to Fix Failed to Connect to the Server API Error in Satisfactory

Satisfactory is finally out of early access after nearly five years in development. The 1.0 release is the biggest update yet and introduces tons of new content for players to try out. It has also introduced some technical headaches for players to resolve especially those who are running dedicated servers. If you’re constantly running into the “Failed to Connect to the Server API” error in Satisfactory, here is how you can fix that.

Fixing the Satisfactory Failed to Connect to the Server API Error

If you’re running a dedicated server in Satisfactory, you’ll need to make a few changes to accommodate the 1.0 release, especially when it comes to port forwarding.

Forward All Ports to both TCP and UPD

The server API is running on TCP this time instead of UDP, so you need to…

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API sprawl: navigating the web of connectivity and security challenges

In today’s fast evolving digital space, the proliferation of application programming interfaces (APIs) has been nothing short of explosive. One forecast predicts there will be nearly 1.7 billion active APIs by 2030 which ushers in unparalleled opportunities for innovation and connectivity.

APIs act as a crucial bridge between software applications. They function below the application presentation layer, orchestrating data exchanges between software systems. However, as the API ecosystem expands, so too do the challenges, in particular introducing new vulnerabilities and greater risks for data exposure which attackers can exploit.

Yuval Shani

VP of Managed Services at Checkmarx,

The API explosion and security implications

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