Tag Archives: arent

Valheim dedicated server fix: What to do if Valheim dedicated servers aren’t showing up

Renting or setting up a dedicated server is a fantastic way to play Valheim with friends. Instead of relying on one person to be the host, your group can have a persistent world to build and explore that’s easily accessible at any time. But a lot of players are struggling with the same problem: Their dedicated server isn’t showing up in Valheim’s in-game server browser. Even if you search for your server by name, there’s a good chance that it just won’t appear for your friends.

It’s a frustrating but well-known issue in the community, and it appears to be caused by Valheim’s in-game server browser not listing every available dedicated server. Until Valheim’s developers find a better solution, there’s fortunately a really simple fix you can try. Some of us at PC Gamer have been trying…

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