ARK Survival Evolved 2024 07 28 – Crystal Isles Base – no audio – YouTube
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Does Ark Survival Ascended have tether distance? Explained
Ark Survival Ascended has a tether distance feature that co-op players must keep in mind when playing the survival title. Tether distance essentially dictates how far you can go from the main host. Friends who want to play the game together may want to understand how it works, as it is a key aspect of co-op map exploration.
This guide goes through the basics of the title’s tether feature and how to change it for the player’s preference and convenience.
What is tether distance in Ark Survival Ascended?
In Ark Survival Ascended, tether distance dictates how far players can venture from the host player. It’s a crucial mechanic for non-dedicated servers and is often used for groups of friends who want to play together….
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ARK Survival Ascended non-dedicated server explained
How to start Winter Wonderland in Ark: Survival Ascended on non-official servers
The Winter Wonderland event is coming to Ark: Survival Ascended, but how do you activate the event if you are not playing on an unofficial server?
With the partnership with CurseForge for Ark: Survival Ascended, accessing limited-time events on unofficial servers is much easier and has the benefit of being able to be activated whenever you like—so you can celebrate the festive season throughout the year if you wish.
Installing the mod to activate the event requires some admin work, but we’ve made it easy for you with detailed instructions below.
How to start Winter Wonderland on single-player or non-dedicated servers

To start the Winter Wonderland event on a single-player or non-dedicated server in Ark: Survival Ascended, download…
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How to host an Ark: Survival Ascended server on Xbox
Learning how to host an Ark: Survival Ascended server on Xbox is one of the biggest keys to having an experience tailored to you and your friends.
No longer will you have to deal with toxic players from nearby areas, as you’ll instead be the host with the most. Did I mention you’ll have complete power on this Survival Ascended server you’ve built too? The only downside is you’ll have to contain yourself as friends and potential new players join your server, so show mercy.
Benefits to hosting an Ark: Survival Ascended server

Hosting an Ark: Survival Ascended server provides a ton of benefits. You’ll be able to add new mods and plugins with ease, play on an incredibly low ping, and keep the server running for as long as you…
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