Tag Archives: Australian

Raft of Australian companies compromised in hosting service hack

Raft of Australian companies compromised in hosting service hack

The Black Basta ransomware gang has posted details of a hack affecting nearly a dozen Australian organisations.

A ransomware gang has posted dozens of Australian passports and driver’s licenses to the dark web after apparently compromising a cloud-based hosting service.

The Black Basta gang has not disclosed who the hosting service is, however, referring to the victim only as “hvd.host”.

What the gang has shared, however, is a list of mostly Australian businesses whose data the gang is threatening to publish if a ransom isn’t paid by March 9. Thirteen companies are listed by the gang.

Black Basta listed the companies by their websites as…

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Key Statistics On The Australian AI Market – Forbes Advisor Australia

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From customer service chatbots to drones and medical diagnoses systems, artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an ever-growing role in our lives.

With it set to reshape industries, and create new ones, we provide an overview of what this means for the Australian AI market in the form of some key statistics below.

AI Market Growth In Australia

  • Digital technologies, including AI, could be…

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