Tag Archives: average

‘Illegal immigrants’ don’t get an average £26,000 a year in benefits

An image shared on Facebook makes an inaccurate comparison between the financial support which pensioners and “illegal immigrants” receive.

It claims that “after paying National Insurance for 35 years, UK pensioners receive £6,800 a year” while “illegal immigrants will receive on average £26,000 a year in unearned benefits”.

These figures aren’t right. The amount UK pensioners receive in state pension varies depending on a number of factors, but pensioners entitled to the full amount receive significantly more than £6,800 per year.

People in the UK without a legal right to be here are not entitled to claim any benefits. Asylum seekers, including those who arrive in the UK on small boats, also can’t claim welfare benefits, but do receive some…

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iomart Group (LON:IOM) Share Price Passes Below 200-Day Moving Average of $141.57

iomart Group plc (LON:IOMGet Rating)’s stock price crossed below its 200-day moving average during trading on Monday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of GBX 141.57 ($1.70) and traded as low as GBX 114 ($1.37). iomart Group shares last traded at GBX 115.70 ($1.39), with a volume of 110,009 shares changing hands.

Analyst Ratings Changes

Separately, Shore Capital reissued a “buy” rating on shares of iomart Group in a research report on Wednesday, November 30th.

iomart Group Trading Down 2.8 %

The company has a current ratio of 1.18, a quick ratio of 1.18 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 54.97. The business’s 50-day simple moving average is GBX 122.79 and its two-hundred day simple moving average is GBX 141.57. The company has a market…

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Leaseweb’s five-year growth exceeds double the market average

Leaseweb, a leading hosting cloud company, has announced that the growth in its global hosting infrastructure and related network capacity has grown twice the market average. The accomplishment is attributed to a focused approach to grow the company’s global presence over five years and has seen Leaseweb achieve a 22% increase in data centre locations worldwide. The result is a 55% increase in network capacity and a leap in bandwidth from 5.5 to 10Tbps, enabling Leaseweb to successfully adapt to international market change and meet customer demand for local and global cloud infrastructures. 

Following the launch of new locations in London and Sydney at the end of 2017, Leaseweb opened a data centre facility in Miami last year, providing a springboard into South America and…

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