Tag Archives: beekeeping

Ann Arbor beekeeping group hosting free online community event

ANN ARBOR – Have you always wanted to become a beekeeper but don’t now what it takes to get started?

The nonprofit organization Ann Arbor Backyard Beekeepers is hosting a free virtual presentation for individuals who are interested in beekeeping.

The presentation, “So, You Want to be a Beekeeper?” will be held on Jan. 29 from 1-3 p.m. and will be given by lead instructor for the A2B2 bee school, Dave Pearce.

During the presentation, Pearce will provide interested individuals with all the knowledge they need to get up and running in their backyards, including how much money, time and space the process will take.

The Zoom link for the event can be found here.

Starting in February, A2B2 will be offering a ten-session beekeeping school. According to its mission statement, A2B2 “is…

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