Tag Archives: Building

Top 10 Team Building Activities for Small Businesses

Team building is often a phrase employees might roll their eyes at or consider unnecessary. Yet establishing a cohesive and friendly team can positively impact your business due to the collaboration it promotes. Choosing the right kind of team-building activities for your small company can help people bond, establish a deeper level of trust, and bring teammates together. Though we’re not just talking about overused icebreakers. Team building activities can include murder mysteries, comedy clubs, and mini golf for example. Take a look at our TechRound team-building recommendations as inspiration for your next activity.

What Are The Benefits Of Team Building?

Apart from being a fun way to get to know your colleagues, team building for small companies can build camaraderie…

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How AI can address media bias in web hosting and website building

Bias in media can be both intentional and unintentional and manifests itself through the way news stories are reported, the language used, and the framing chosen. As news is a primary source of information on current events, the presence of bias can be dangerous. It is therefore essential to be able to recognize bias when consuming news media to ensure the truth is preserved.

Karen Yin’s concept of ‘conscious language’—defined as language that is both rooted in critical thinking and compassion, and used skillfully in a specific context—has been a helpful resource in our attempts to combat biases and design for a wide range of users. Just like getting rid of bad habits, we must put in the effort to succeed in this endeavor.

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6 Essential Tips for Building an Online Presence

Ask yourself this simple question: “Does my business need a website?” If your response was anything other than “yes,” you need to think again. It doesn’t matter if you’re the head of a multinational corporation that employs thousands of people or a mom-and-pop shop from around the way, you need a website to attract potential customers online. If you have a business, the lack of an online presence can easily cost you revenue. You don’t want that.

Fortunately, there is a vast number of web hosting services at your disposal. Choosing one is the tricky part, as it depends both on the quality of the service and its ability to match your needs. The Best Web Hosting Services is an excellent place to start, as it highlights our favorite services for building a website.

As far as actually…

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Key Steps To Building A Great Small Business Website

You may not have enough money to hire outside help for certain jobs if you own a small company. For instance, if you want to establish an online presence, hiring a site designer could be pricey. Yet, building a small company website on your own might be difficult.

Fortunately, this procedure is not as difficult as it may sound. Thanks to several small business-friendly website builders that are beginner-friendly, you may create a beautiful website without any previous experience. The best part is that many of these gadgets are extremely affordable.

Essential Steps To Build A Great Website For A Small Business

Determine the Purpose of Your Website

Choosing what you want your website to be is the most important step in constructing any website. Does the purpose of your…

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9 tips for building a website for your start-up

One of the most important things a new start-up business needs is a website. It’ll often be the first contact your customers have with your business,  so it’s important that it looks professional and represents your company in the best possible light. 

Below, you’ll find tips for building a website for a start-up, covering everything from choosing a web hosting (opens in new tab) provider to designing your site’s layout.

1. Create a content plan 

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