Tag Archives: Business

Why a Growing Business Requires a Dedicated Server Hosting in India

  • Online business giants have immerged all over the world in the last 25 years.
  • They have got a head start in the online business.
  • If you make the right decisions now, your business will have greater success in the future.

In India, with a population of 1.3 billion, there are tremendous opportunities to grow your business. You will need a robust online plan to reach your full potential.

Many business owners in India only know about shared hosting and virtual private server (VPS). These hosting methods are only sufficient to manage small to medium traffic. Many businesses require high performance. These methods are not capable of sustaining the daily online business activities of a high-end enterprise.

Your business will need a fast website. A slow website can hurt your business.


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Web Hosting best practices – Tips to choose the right hosting for your business 

Image Credit: Pixabay

The performance of your website is directly dependent on the kind of hosting you have opted for. It is like the foundation on which the luxurious castle has been built. Stronger the base, solid the build. 

If your web host does not deploy ample security measures, your web property would be a sitting duck for hackers who can easily exploit the vulnerabilities, steal data from the website and may cause irrevocable damage to your website as well as your business.

So, let us share a couple of important tips that you should to keep in mind before choosing the hosting services for your online business:

  • Shared Hosting service: People often choose shared hosting over a dedicated server because it is economical. Though, they often forget the fact that shared hosting…

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