Tag Archives: Carriers

Ukraine Strikes Russian Airfields Hosting Hypersonic Missile Carriers

Ukraine has launched drone attacks on three military airfields in Russia, one of which hosts aircraft that can carry hypersonic missiles, it has been reported.

As Ukraine carries on with its incursion into Russia’s Kursk region, Kyiv is continuing with drone attacks within Russia, often targeting military and infrastructure sites in strikes aimed to hurt Moscow’s war machine. Newsweek has contacted the Russian Defense Ministry for comment.

Russian officials frequently say that air defenses have intercepted Ukrainian drones, even as images of destruction are shared on social media. On Tuesday, Russia’s Defense Ministry touted success on Tuesday in thwarting the attacks by drones and Tochka-U tactical missiles.

Ukrainian drone operator
This illustrative image from August 11, 2024 shows Ukrainian military drone…

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Carriers warm to ‘neutral host’ shared private networks

  • Verizon has recently launched its first 5G neutral host private network
  • Other operators are also getting into the game
  • Shared CBRS spectrum and other technologies are pushing the field further

Neutral host private networking, which can enhance enterprise wireless coverage, is starting to take hold with carriers. 

A neutral host private networking system can enable an enterprise to spread connections from mobile operators into areas of a campus or building with otherwise poor signal coverage. This can be particularly important to enable workers to make a call or send a text during an emergency

Neutral host private networking is a recent technology development that enables access to multiple public operators’…

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