Tag Archives: Comporium

Comporium Awarded a $2.8 Million “GREAT” Grant – Web Hosting | Cloud Computing | Datacenter

1Gbps Broadband Being Extended to Over 800 Rural Customers within the Next Two Years

BREVARD, N.C.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Comporium will bring faster broadband speeds to areas of Transylvania county with a $2.8 million grant from North Carolina’s Growing Rural Economies with Access to Technology (GREAT) Program. Altogether, the improvements will require over $7 million.

The project includes the construction of 105 miles of fiber optic cable that will provide service to over 800 customers using a partnership arrangement with Haywood Electric Membership Corporation (EMC). An anticipated start date for construction is still being determined, but once it begins, Comporium expects the construction process to take approximately two years.

“Access to broadband is more important than…

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