Tag Archives: Container

Lesson learned: U.S. Container Depot, Liquid Cargo tighten IT security

Kevin Jackson was vacationing on the other side of the country when Liquid Cargo was hit with a ransomware attack in 2017.

The moment he realized he isn’t immune is seared into his memory.

It was close to midnight Friday, Feb. 17, to be exact, and the start of a holiday weekend before President’s Day the following Monday, meaning the now anxiety-filled Liquid Cargo and U.S. Container Depot president had little hope of resolving the situation quickly—or of fully enjoying his stay in California.

The entire ordeal disrupted Jackson’s West Palm Beach, Fla.-based bulk transportation and logistics operations for nearly two weeks, and cost him five bitcoins—at the time a nominal ransom, especially by today’s standards—to unlock the encrypted data, restore their systems, and…

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Automatic Container Code Recognition Using Deep Learning – Web Hosting | Cloud Computing | Datacenter

Deep Learning has provided a major boost to computer vision’s already rapidly expanding reach. A lot of new applications of computer vision technologies have been implemented with Deep Learning and are now becoming a part of our daily lives.

The shipping industry in particular has started to see the enormous benefits of this technology. As shipping and trading companies process tens of thousands of containers every day, Automatic Container ID and ISO Detection in real-time is the need of the hour.

The container identification system used is an ISO format composed of a series of letters and numbers. As the terminal gates and other checkpoints handle a large number of containers, there is always a possibility that the container identification sequence has not been properly followed….

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