Tag Archives: Council

San Gabriel hosting candidate forum for upcoming City Council election – San Gabriel Valley Tribune

The San Gabriel Women’s Foundation is hosting a forum for candidates in the 2024 San Gabriel City Council election Thursday, Oct. 3.

League of Women Voters, Pasadena area, will be moderating the forum, which begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Padillo Room next door to the Mission Playhouse, near Santa Anita Street and Mission Drive.

San Gabriel voters will be asked to vote for no more than two of the following candidates this November: Jorge Herrera Avila, Tony Ding, Jeanne Raya, Carina Rivera and Isela Lopez Bowles.

Organizers welcomed attendees to bring their own questions for the candidates.

The election takes place on Nov. 5.

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NPP Youth wing to host the prestigious IYDU Council Meeting in Accra

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) Youth wing has announced that it will host the International Young Democrat Union (IYDU) Council meeting from June 27th to June 30th, 2024, at the Alisa Hotel in Accra, Ghana.

The IYDU, which the NPP Youth Wing is a member, is a global alliance of centre-right political youth organisations dedicated to promoting freedom, democracy, and human rights.

This year’s council meeting, themed “Global Challenges, Conservative Solutions: Building a More Secure and Prosperous Future,” will gather young political leaders from around the world to discuss critical issues, share best practices, and build networks that strengthen democratic values.

As the host, the NPP Youth Wing will highlight Ghana’s…

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🇨🇭 Eurovision 2025: Zurich Municipal Council Passes Motions on Hosting Bid

The Municipal Council of Zurich has passed two motions in favour of the city submitting a bid to host Eurovision 2025.

On Wednesday, the Municipal Council of Zurich passed two motions by the Social Democratic Party of Switzerland (Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz– SP) and the Green Liberal Party of Switzerland (Grünliberale Partei der Schweiz – GLP) in favour of the city hosting the Eurovision Song Contest 2025. In their proposals, both parties higlighted the positive economic effects as well as the image and advertising effects that Eurovision would bring to the city. Marco Denoth, council member for SP, stated:

“We want to show that the Council is behind the event.”

The Swiss People’s Party (Schweizerische Volkspartei – SVP) opposed the motions, calling…

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Glastonbury Town Council hosts community Christmas lunch | Local News | News | Glastonbury Nub News

The spirit of community and sharing comes alive in Glastonbury this Christmas Day.

Glastonbury Town Council, in collaboration with dedicated volunteers, is hosting a festive Community Christmas Lunch. This heartwarming event will be held on 25th December 2023, from 1pm to 3.30pm at the town hall.

The lunch is a gesture of goodwill and togetherness, aimed at ensuring no one in the community has to spend Christmas Day alone.

It’s an opportunity for residents to enjoy a festive meal and the company of others in the iconic setting of the Glastonbury Town Hall.

Understanding the importance of accessibility, the Town Council offers transport within a 5-mile radius for those who require it.

Residents needing this service can contact the Town Council Reception Office, which…

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