Tag Archives: created

AI Will Have Created 610,000 Job Opportunities, Report Finds

Recent reports by ServiceNow have found that artificial intelligence is set to create around 610,000 new jobs by 2028. This will be seen in industries such as telecommunications, media, tech, education, and health care.

The tech industry in particular, will have created 320,000 jobs alone. Education will account for 190,000 jobs, and healthcare 90,000. With these increases, it has been predicted that retail will experience a decline, with a 240,000 decrease in jobs.


How Else Will AI Help The Job Market?


AI is expected to improve workplace efficiency by automating routine tasks, which will possibly be saving the equivalent of 2.88 million full-time jobs. This time saving allows employees, especially in the tech sector like system administrators, to focus on more complex…

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Star Wars fans created dedicated servers with mod support for EA's Battlefront 2 – MSN

Uniting under the banner of KYBER Team, passionate and talented fans of EA’s Star Wars Battlefront 2 – not to be mixed up with the recently remastered original from Pandemic – did what was once thought impossible: They created a system of dedicated servers for the title, which includes full mod support, a server browser, automatic mod installation, and many additional features you’d never expect from a fan project.

KYBER V2, as the project is called, comes with its own launcher for Battlefront 2, making it independent of EA’s own applications.

Players can take advantage of the new proximity voice chat for some additional immersive chaos and track their stats – not just from community servers, but also from official ones.

Thanks to the integration of mod platform Nexus, players…

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