Tag Archives: creator

New York’s Philippe Labaune Gallery Hosting Exhibit Dedicated To Art Of ‘Hellboy’ Creator Mike Mignola

No question about it: Mike Mignola is on the Mount Rushmore of the greatest comic book creators who ever lived. For three solid decades, the California-based artist/writer has captivated readers with the supernatural exploits of Anung Un Rama — better known as “Hellboy” — at Dark Horse Comics, earning the same rarified status as Stan Sakai (Usagi Yojimbo) and Todd McFarlane (Spawn).

“So few people get to be in that position, where what starts as a one-off, fun project ends up becoming your career,” Mignola tells me over the phone. “I’m pretty much drawing exactly what I want to draw. I’m so spoiled.”

While he’ll never give up his demonic brainchild completely, the industry titan is ready to turn the…

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