Tag Archives: DatacenterDynamics

US Treasury exempts Internet communication providers from Russia sanctions – DatacenterDynamics

The US Treasury has exempted the provision of Internet communication services from US sanctions against Russia.

The move was welcomed by human rights and open access groups.

“The exportation or reexportation, sale, or supply, directly or indirectly, from the United States or by US persons, wherever located, to the Russian Federation of services, software, hardware, or technology incident to the exchange of communications over the Internet, such as instant messaging, videoconferencing, chat and email, social networking, sharing of photos, movies, and documents, web browsing, blogging, web hosting, and domain name registration services, that is prohibited by the RuHSR,…

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Web hoster eNom suffering DNS issues after data center migration – DatacenterDynamics

Domain name registrar and web hosting firm eNom is seeing Domain Name System (DNS) issues in the wake of a data center migration.

“At present, we are seeing issues with our DNS and Reseller Control Panel,” the company said today in a status update. The company noted websites were not resolving due to missing or incorrect DNS records while others were experiencing email service interruptions due to missing DNS MX records.

The move comes the day after the company migrated a data center. The company reported the migration project had been extended but completed. However, a number of customers report they have been offline for more than 36 hours. Customers noted that…

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German court convicts eight over illegal "bulletproof" data center in former NATO bunker – DatacenterDynamics

A German court has convicted eight people who were involved in operating a data center at a former NATO bunker.

Among the illegal services allegedly hosted at the German data center were Cannabis Road, Fraudsters, Flugsvamp, Flight Vamp 2.0, orangechemicals, and the world’s second-largest narcotics marketplace, Wall Street Market.

A large-scale attack on Deutsche Telekom routers in November 2016 is also thought to have been controlled via servers hosted there.

The ‘CyberBunker’ facility in Traben-Trarbach, western Germany, was raided by more than 600 police officers in September 2019.

Built by the West German military in the 1970s, the site was used by the…

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Web Hosting Canada says unauthorized activity by third-party service provider caused major outage, data loss – DatacenterDynamics

Montreal-based service provider Web Hosting Canada suffered a lengthy outage on Saturday 28 August.

The company blamed the downtime on unauthorized activity by an undisclosed third-party service provider. Production servers and backup servers were affected, which may have caused permanent data loss for some. Services are still recovering.

“Based on our investigation to date, the morning of August 28 at approximately 6 a.m., an individual with a third-party service provider used their privileged account access to connect to one of our data center’s management portals and without authorization, initiated server reimaging on some of our backup servers, then on some…

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