Tag Archives: Disability

Driving Mobility to host open day dedicated to driving with a disability

The national charity Driving Mobility is inviting all members of the public and professionals, with an interest in driving with a disability, to its Herts Ability Driving Assessment Centre in Harlow for a free Open Day. As a charity, Herts Ability provides fitness-to-drive and mobility equipment assessments for people with disabilities.

Coordinated by Driving Mobility and supported by the Department for Transport, Herts Ability aims to enable as many drivers as possible through clinical guidance on the most appropriate adapted controls and vehicles. Other services include specialist driving tuition and advice on accessible transport choices if using a car is not an option.

Its clients self-refer or are signposted from the DVLA, Motability, NHS and Police. Members…

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Driving Mobility’s Harlow Centre to host Open Day dedicated to driving with a disability

The national charity Driving Mobility is inviting all members of the public and professionals, with an interest in driving with a disability, to its Herts Ability Driving Assessment Centre in Harlow for a free Open Day on the 11th July 2024.

Thursday 11th July, Herts Ability (an accredited Driving Mobility Centre), The Road Safety Centre, Edinburgh Way, Harlow, CM20 2BX. 10am-3pm. Free admission and accessible parking.

For further information and a video click here

As a charity, Herts Ability provides fitness-to-drive and mobility equipment assessments for people with disabilities. Co-ordinated by Driving Mobility and supported by the Department for Transport, Herts Ability aims to enable as many drivers as possible through clinical guidance on the most appropriate…

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