Tag Archives: ecofriendly

A Guide to Crafting Eco-Friendly Virtual Events

As UK businesses increasingly embrace sustainability practices, the events industry is also evolving to prioritise environmental consciousness.

With the rise of virtual events, organisers now have unique opportunities to reduce their carbon footprint digitally and therefore promote eco-friendly practices. This guide explores the principles, strategies, and considerations for crafting environmentally sustainable hybrid events as well as virtual events.


What Are Eco-Friendly Virtual Events, And Why Are They Important?


Eco-friendly virtual events are online gatherings that prioritise sustainability in their planning, enforecement, and final outcomes. These events aim to cause minimal environmental impact. They attempt to do this by reducing resource consumption, energy…

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Blutherm and Clages Innovative Alliance Eco-friendly

Prittle Prattle News in an exclusive interview with Mr. Rajesh Sachdev, CEO of Blutherm about Blutherm’s Visionary Leap into Advanced, Eco-friendly Water Heating with Clage

Blutherm delve into the synergistic partnership with Clage and its transformational impact on the Indian market. With a shared commitment to innovation and sustainability, this collaboration is setting new standards in the hot water solutions sector.

Blutherm, renowned for its commitment to delivering cutting-edge hot water solutions, has embarked on a significant journey with Clage, a German pioneer in energy-efficient water heaters. This partnership is a testament to Blutherm’s dedication to bringing state-of-the-art, eco-friendly technologies to Indian households, addressing the evolving demands…

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GreenGeeks Hosting: Eco-Friendly Solutions for a Sustainable Online Presence

In the fast-paced digital era, web hosting has become a crucial aspect of establishing an online presence. However, with the growing concern for environmental sustainability, businesses are seeking hosting providers that prioritize eco-friendly practices. In this context, GreenGeeks emerges as a leading choice, not only for its robust hosting services but also for its commitment to reducing carbon footprint.

The eco-friendly advantage of GreenGeeks hosting

GreenGeeks’ Commitment to Sustainability


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