Tag Archives: Errors

How to troubleshoot common WordPress errors

With WordPress, you can create and manage a site almost without any technical knowledge. It has many built-in features and templates that let you get started right away. And if you do need to change something, the large user community can help you out.

But as with all things in the world (software included), WordPress is not bulletproof. That means you are responsible for proper functioning, site security, privacy, and maintenance. WordPress’ errors happen, and the consequences are usually not so good. That’s why you need to take care of your site.

FinConDX 2021

WordPress provides you with a lot of tools and “know how” documentation, but at the end of the day, these tools can only do their job if you are familiar with them and know how to use them properly.

This article highlights the…

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Why Google Search Console Reports 5XX Server Errors

A publisher asked Google’s John Mueller via Twitter about Google Search Console (GSC) reporting 5xx error on their site.  This article explores possible reasons why GSC will report having received 5xx errors and solutions.

The tweet said:

“I am getting server error (5xx). My new posts are not indexing. Any suggestion to FIX this?”

The publisher then posted a screenshot of the GSC message:

Screenshot of a Google Search Console messageScreenshot of the Google Search Console message of a 5xx error.

GSC links to a help page that says this:

“This section of the report describes whether the page can be indexed by Google.

However, a positive result is no guarantee that it will appear in Search results.

Appearance in Search results additionally requires that the page and its structured data conform to quality and security guidelines.


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