Tag Archives: EURACTIVcom

Oslo hosting world’s largest warship ‘illogical’ show of force, says Russia – EURACTIV.com

Norway hosting the world’s largest warship, the US aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford, in its waters over the next four days, is an illogical and harmful show of force, the Russian Embassy to Oslo said.

The USS Gerald R. Ford is 333 metres long, 76 metres high, weighing around 100,000 tonnes. In addition to a crew of 4,500 people, the ship carries 90 aeroplanes and helicopters. Oslo is likely the first harbour the massive ship will visit as it is bound to conduct several exercises with the Norwegian Army.

“The aircraft carrier group’s visit and presence gives the Armed Forces a unique opportunity to further develop cooperation and work more closely with our most important ally, the United States.” the Norwegian Armed Forces wrote in a press release.

“Several exercises are…

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Hosting thousands of war refugees, Lviv looks towards recovery – EURACTIV.com

As Russia’s war in Ukraine enters its second year, the city’s challenge is to integrate tens of thousands of refugees displaced from fighting in the country’s embattled east, while creating a recovery system to make them stay.

Standing in the cobblestone square that is Lviv’s historic marketplace one could forget that this is a country at war if it wouldn’t be for the banners commemorating the city’s war heroes and the omnipresence of men in army uniforms.

As the biggest city in western Ukraine turned humanitarian hub, thousand displaced in the first months have been housed in schools and sports arenas turned into shelters, first in open rooms with mattresses on the floor and then separated by wooden partitions.

Hundreds of families have moved into container housing set up…

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EU recommendation on piracy of live events disgruntles rightsholders – EURACTIV.com

The European Commission’s recommendation to fight online piracy of live events focuses on the effective handling of take-down requests, dynamic injunctions, and voluntary cooperation. Still, rightsholders have found its relaxed revision time disappointing.

The Commission is due to present its recommendation on the piracy of live content on 3 May. The non-binding initiative is meant to push member states, national authorities and intermediary services to take effective and proportionate measures to combat the unauthorised retransmission of live events.

However, according to an early draft obtained by EURACTIV, the recommendation is set to fall short of the expectations of rightsholders, like TV channels, who have acquired the rights to transmit a football championship…

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