Tag Archives: evolution

From Passwords to Passwordless – The evolution of Passwords

Passwords are the keys that unlock our digital lives, providing access to our personal and sensitive information. Passwords serve a crucial role in protecting our information from unauthorized access. They are used to secure everything from email accounts and social media profiles to online banking and e-commerce transactions. As we shift from password authentication to passwordless authentication, have you ever wondered how passwords came into existence?

The story of passwords is a fascinating one that spans centuries, from ancient civilizations to the modern-day digital age.

The Origins of Passwords

The origins of passwords can be traced back to ancient times when secret codes were used to convey important information, such as battle plans, diplomatic messages, and religious texts….

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OVHcloud CEO says web hosting is going through an evolution not a revolution

Cloud-based hosting and application services are evolving. Almost every business or service will have a website, an app, or some sort of online presence via social media.

But as rapidly as the online world appears to be growing, Michel Paulin, CEO of OVHcloud (opens in new tab), believes this is in no way a revolutionary movement.

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Multi-data center clustering: The evolution of web hosting

Server racks in server room data center. 3d render
Image: Sashkin/Adobe Stock

Websites crash for numerous reasons, but you can boil it down to one thing: Dependence.

For us, dependence is a significant cause of tension and anxiety. Think about it: If you start craving something — safety, reassurance, validation, dopamine, freedom, money — your attention glues to it. And if you can’t get it? You tense up, and your mood changes.

Thankfully, websites don’t suffer as humans do. However, their response to uncertainty and instability is inherently similar.

SEE: Computer Equipment Disposal Policy (TechRepublic Premium)

The current web hosting model usually depends on one pathway for data and energy to flow. And when that path isn’t available, websites collapse.

Multi-data center clustering is the solution to this anxious,…

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