Tag Archives: Execution

Video shows an execution by Islamic State, not Hamas

A video is circulating online with claims it shows executions carried out by Hamas. But it actually shows the horrific acts of Islamic State. 

In the video [WARNING: disturbing and graphic content], two figures can be seen throwing several people from the roof of a tall building, one by one. It has been shared on social media in recent days with the claim it shows actions by Hamas amid the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza.

One post has the caption: “This is who all you university and college students and others are supporting. Hamas executes people by throwing them off a roof of a building.”

However, this video actually shows an execution by Islamic State in Iraq. 

Both the Mirror and MailOnline shared pictures [WARNING: disturbing and graphic content] in July…

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Asset servicing industry news | TNS partners with TRAFiX to expand order execution and management systems for Canadian market

TNS partners with TRAFiX to expand order execution and management systems for Canadian market

Transaction Network Services (TNS) has partnered with trading and connectivity solutions provider TRAFiX to expand its order execution and routing management systems on TNS’ Dedicated Server.

The systems will be distributed across all major Canadian financial exchange markets.

Based out of the Equinix TR2 Data Center in Toronto, TRAFiX will leverage the TNS Dedicated Server offering to optimise its hardware and trading connectivity requirements.

TRAFiX will also use the recently launched TNS Cloud Server Management solution, which handles operating system installation, configuration and patching as well as monitoring, troubleshooting and…

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Why You Need It For Reliable Trading Execution

Forex trading is a fast-paced industry that requires reliable and fast trading execution to be successful. Traditional hosting services may not always provide the speed and stability needed for optimal trading performance. This is where ForexVPS comes in. In this article, we’ll explain why you need ForexVPS for reliable trading execution and how it can benefit your trading.

What is ForexVPS?

ForexVPS is a hosting service designed specifically for forex traders. It provides virtual server hosting in secure data centers with high-speed connections and low latency to major forex trading platforms. This hosting service is optimized for forex trading, allowing traders to execute trades quickly and reliably.

Why You Need ForexVPS for Reliable Trading Execution

ForexVPS is designed to…

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