Tag Archives: Expanding

MenkiSys is expanding its product range to include additional dedicated root servers. – NORTHEAST

menkiSys Networks e. U. presents an extensive portfolio of IT services, including root servers, GPU servers and cloud servers. Particularly noteworthy are the offers for free cloud storage, which appeal to both companies and private individuals. The dedicated root servers ensure maximum performance and stable connections, while GPU server rental is an indispensable resource for compute-intensive applications. Cloud storage offers flexible and scalable solutions for data management.

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atNorth Acquires Gompute, Expanding Presence in the Nordics

atNorth, a Nordic service provider specializing in colocation, high-performance computing, and artificial intelligence, announced today its acquisition of Gompute, a provider of High Performance Computing (HPC) and data center services. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

This is technology M&A deal number 242 that ChannelE2E and MSSP Alert have covered so far in 2023. See more than 2,000 technology M&A deals for 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020 listed here.

atNorth, founded in 2010, is based in Reykjavik, Iceland. The company has 76 employees listed on LinkedIn. atNorth’s areas of expertise include HPC, Colocation, Dedicated Servers, HPC Cloud, High Performance Computing, Data Center, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Hosting, HPCaaS, Hybrid HPC, AI, Artificial Intelligence,…

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AWS Local Zones expanding globally – Web Hosting | Cloud Computing | Datacenter

Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the completion of 16 Local Zones in the United States and is looking forward to launching 32 new Local Zones across 26 countries across the world. AWS Local Zones are infrastructure deployments closer to a large population and industrial centres. It allows industries like Netflix and Ubitus to deliver services at single-digit millisecond latency. Industries that require ultra-low frequency like remote real-time gaming, live video streaming, AR and VR want AWS infrastructure closer to their end customers.  The Local Zones will help these industries provide a seamless experience to its customers.

Prasad Kalyanaraman, Vice President of Infrastructure Services at AWS, said “The edge of the cloud is expanding and is now becoming available virtually…

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