Tag Archives: Extortionists

Web Hosting Company Hacked by Extortionists – Bestgamingpro

Several websites have been disrupted by a cyberattack on Israeli web hosting firm Cyberserve, with attackers stealing sensitive personally identifiable information (PII) about its customers, some of whom are not aligned with the views of the conservative country.

The BlackShadow hacking group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

In the days leading up to the assault, the National Cyber Directorate had warned CyberServe on several occasions, according to The Times of Israel.

BlackShadow is also apparently demanding money from hosting providers’ clients in addition to CyberServe.

Assailing clients

BlackShadow is an Iranian-sponsored cyber warfare group that has a track record of attacking Israeli targets and has been linked to the Pay2Key ransomware strain, according to…

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