Tag Archives: Fentanyl

The Devastating Impact of Fentanyl: Two Survivors Share Their Stories

Dominicans Share Stories of Fentanyl Addiction and the Devastating Effects

In a recent interview at Hogar Crea, in the Colonial City, two former fentanyl users shared their experiences and shed light on the prevalence of the deadly drug in the Dominican Republic. Pedro and Manuel, both addicts who have battled their addictions for years, agreed to speak on the condition of anonymity, using fictitious names.

Pedro’s story began at the young age of 13 when he started using heroin, stealing a portion from his father, who was a drug dealer. Soon after, Pedro became addicted and joined the family business. Fast forward 39 years to 2021, Pedro, now seeking a new high, easily found fentanyl on the streets.

Manuel, on the other hand, lived in New York 15 years ago, where he trafficked…

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Tragic Loss: Robert De Niro’s Daughter Mourns Premature Death of Son Linked to Fentanyl

Title: Robert De Niro’s Daughter Opens Up About Tragic Loss of Son to Fentanyl Overdose

Subtitle: Drena de Niro Speaks Out on the Premature Death of Her Only Son at 19 Years Old

In recent days, the devastating news of the premature death of Leandro de Niro Rodríguez, the 19-year-old son of American actor Robert De Niro, has left many in shock. Leandro’s mother, Drena de Niro, took to social media to share her heartbreaking tribute and announce the tragic loss of her beloved son.

Through her Instagram account, Drena de Niro poured out her emotions with a heartfelt dedication and shared a photograph commemorating the life of Leandro. As she mourns the loss, she expressed gratitude for the support and messages of condolence she has received from friends and followers during this…

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