Tag Archives: fish

Kochi To Host Festival Dedicated To Millets And Fish To Generate Awareness


Shreya Goswami

Updated:Dec 18, 2023

The ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Institute (CMFRI) is going to conduct a three-day festival around the theme of Millets and Fish between December 28 to 30, 2023. The goal of the event is to generate awareness about millets and the health benefits of combining them with fish. Read on for more.

Kochi To Host Festival On Millets And Fish For Awareness

Image Credit: Pexels

The festival is all set to feature many activities, like buyer-seller meets, live fish sale, live millet sales and millet-based products, a millet and fish food festival, a millet cookery show, a millets recipe content, agri-tech exhibition, launch of new millet and fish products, nutrition and health talks, etc. The festival will also have a special stall set up for farmers from Lakshadweep to highlight their indigenous products. 


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Not all fish in the Channel belong to the EU

A post on Facebook claims that “all fish in the English Channel belong to the EU”, and “all humans found in the English Channel belong to the UK”. 

But this isn’t true. The UK and EU both have their own fishing quotas, which means the UK is entitled to its own proportion of fishing stock in the Channel. 

While the UK does have a responsibility towards people in distress in the English Channel, and asylum seekers are entitled to support including accommodation, it is misleading to suggest that the EU does not also have an obligation towards people crossing the English Channel. 

False or misleading claims online have the potential to harm individuals, groups and democratic processes and institutions. Online claims can spread fast and far, and are difficult…

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