Tag Archives: Forest

Mount Forest hosting another blood donation event

Canadian Blood Services is hoping more donors can continue to donate blood at another upcoming event.

Mount Forest will host a blood donation clinic at the Mount Forest Recreation Complex on Tuesday, September 3 from 1 p.m. until 7 p.m.

According to Canadian Blood Services, current donations are “falling short of hospital demand for blood and plasma, which could cause the national supply to dwindle.”

The data shared by CBS shows that 1 in 2 Canadians are eligible to give blood, yet only 1 in 76 actually does.

New donors of all blood types are needed but it is particularly vital that people with group O-negative, O-positive or B-negative donate as soon as they can.

To donate, you can book an appointment now by downloading the GiveBlood app, calling 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283) or booking…

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Sons of the Forest Dedicated Server Linux: How to Set Up

Sons of the Forest is a multiplayer survival game and as such you have the ability to host your own dedicated servers. In case you have a PC with a Linux operating system, in this guide, we will tell you all the steps you need to follow to host a Sons of the Forest dedicated server on Linux.

How to Host a Sons of the Forest dedicated server on Linux

Even if you’re not a computer genius, hosting a Sons of the Forest dedicated server on Linux is not a very difficult thing to do. If you follow what we tell you in this guide step by step, you shouldn’t have any major problems. First, let’s see what server requirements you need to meet.

  • Windows 10 or Server 2016+ & 64-Bit
  • Quad Core processor (requires up to 2 full cores)
  • Up to 6GB memory (currently uses around 11GB memory minimum)
  • 2GB…

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