Tag Archives: Gain

Ebury botnet alive & growing; 400k Linux servers compromised for cryptocurrency theft and financial gain

  • ESET Research has released its deep-dive investigation into one of the most advanced server-side malware campaigns, which is still growing – Ebury group with their malware and botnet.
  • Over the years, Ebury has been deployed as a backdoor to compromise almost 400,000 Linux, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD servers; more than 100,000 were still compromised as of late 2023.
  • Ebury actors have been pursuing monetization activities subsequent to our 2014 publication on Operation Windigo, including the spread of spam, web traffic redirections, and credential stealing.
  • Additionally, ESET has confirmed that operators are also involved in cryptocurrency heists.
  • In many cases, Ebury operators were able to gain full access to large servers of ISPs and well-known hosting providers.


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Web Hosts, Services Connecting Websites To The Internet, Gain More Power

Bobby Allyn |
Thursday, January 21, 2021

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.

The social media site Parler went dark after Amazon’s web-hosting services pulled the plug. This highlighted the often invisible Internet infrastructure that makes using the Internet possible.



We talk a lot about the choices that social media platforms make. What kinds of speech do Facebook or Twitter block? But a less visible part of the Web may be more powerful. It decides whether an online platform survives or goes dark. NPR’s Bobby Allyn reports on one front in the fight over online…

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