Tag Archives: Gather

It’s a place to gather and grieve in Nashville, but you can do it with queso.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — A local blogger is hosting grief share meet-ups over her favorite food: queso.

At places like Tio Fun! on Buchanan Street, Delia Ramsey snaps photos and blogs about food. But behind the posts on Instagram, she’s been struggling.

“In the last few years, I lost my mom, went through a divorce, had a head injury, and then this year, I lost my stepdad. I lost my full family unit that I grew up with,” Ramsey said.

That’s when she got the idea to host Queso with Delia Jo. It’s a time to gather and grieve.

“At the last one, six of us were there for three hours just sharing our stories, and everybody has such powerful hard stories, but yet we all connected on that, nothing else about us was the same, but we connected on the shared loss,” Ramsey said.

She hopes…

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