Tag Archives: Gmail

Please Use Gmail for Email

DreamHost, one of the largest shared hosting specialists in the United States, is encouraging its customers to use Google’s Gmail for their e-mail, rather than the DreamHost mail servers. DreamHost is continuing to support all its existing e-mail offerings, but in a blog post last Friday, co-founder Josh Jones outlined some of the reasons why the company is nudging its customers towards Gmail:

Just over HALF of all the support requests we get are about email. Everything else we offer, combined, doesn’t add up to the amount of trouble, expense, use, and effort that goes into “simple” old email. And that’s kind of funny, because as far as I can tell, almost nobody CHOOSES a web host based on their email features. Everybody’s just looking at how much disk/bandwidth they get, what version…

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How to use Email Domain Name with Outlook, Gmail & Co. with Custom Email Hosting

Are you still using a generic Outlook, Hotmail, or Gmail email address for your business communications? Then you should think again, as there are many disadvantages compared to a custom domain email, especially one that you really like and that represents you best.

If email marketing plays an important role in your business operations and you target millennials of which over 70% prefer businesses to contact them via email according to HubSpot, then read on.

What is the difference between a custom email domain and a free email account?

So, presumably, you have set up a free Gmail or MSN mail ID with your business name like prettyflowers@gmail.com. Not a problem at first sight as the email address contains your business name and everyone is familiar with Gmail.


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How to use Email Domain Name with Outlook, Gmail & Co. with Custom Email Hosting

Are you still using a generic Outlook, Hotmail, or Gmail email address for your business communications? Then you should think again, as there are many disadvantages compared to a custom domain email, especially one that you really like and that represents you best.

If email marketing plays an important role in your business operations and you target millennials of which over 70% prefer businesses to contact them via email according to HubSpot, then read on.

What is the difference between a custom email domain and a free email account?

So, presumably, you have set up a free Gmail or MSN mail ID with your business name like prettyflowers@gmail.com. Not a problem at first sight as the email address contains your business name and everyone is familiar with Gmail.


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