Tag Archives: Hamas

Video shows an execution by Islamic State, not Hamas

A video is circulating online with claims it shows executions carried out by Hamas. But it actually shows the horrific acts of Islamic State. 

In the video [WARNING: disturbing and graphic content], two figures can be seen throwing several people from the roof of a tall building, one by one. It has been shared on social media in recent days with the claim it shows actions by Hamas amid the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza.

One post has the caption: “This is who all you university and college students and others are supporting. Hamas executes people by throwing them off a roof of a building.”

However, this video actually shows an execution by Islamic State in Iraq. 

Both the Mirror and MailOnline shared pictures [WARNING: disturbing and graphic content] in July…

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Forbes magazine covers showing Hamas leaders are fake

Multiple posts are sharing false images of what appear to be front covers of Forbes magazine featuring Hamas leaders. 

One image shows former Hamas leader, Khaled Meshaal, while another shows current Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh. The word “Forbes” is overlaid on top of the photos and other text is also formatted in the style of a magazine cover.

Each image has been shared on multiple social media platforms including Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram

These posts appear to have been first shared by the official X account for the State of Israel where the post featuring the image of Mr Meshaal has more than 13,000 shares and the post featuring Mr Haniyeh also has over 5,000. The account commented on both these posts stating that the images are…

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Video shows Iraqi MP describing actions of Islamic State, not Hamas

A video circulating on social media falsely claims to show an Israeli woman who has escaped “Hamas militants”. 

While the woman is speaking Arabic, English subtitles show her relaying the horrific treatment of other women supposedly by Hamas. 

Several posts on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) share the video with the caption: “She is an Israeli escaped from Hamas militants and interviewed by Middle East Media Research Institute Headquartered in Washington DC. Identity not disclosed by the MEMRI tv.” 

However, the clip predates recent events in Israel and Gaza, and does not show an Israeli woman. 

The video shows an interview with an Iraqi MP, Vian Dakhil, in 2017 by an Egyptian news channel called Extra News. It was shared on YouTube by the channel with…

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